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Spiritual Resumé
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In 2007, I earned a Bachelor's from Davidson College in North Carolina. My thesis in Cognition & Perception, which culminated a multi-disciplinary study in Consciousness, won the department award for best in Psychology.


For a couple years, I lived on and off the San Juan Islands in Washington. I was an Outdoor Environmental Educator and a Kayaking & Sailing Trip Leader. I spent time in Texas healing with family and writing a fiction novel about beginning the awakening journey.


In 2009, three sudden events shifted my trajectory. I rented a loft apartment, began driving oncologists between hospitals in the Texas Medical Center, and attended a Master's program in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. USM's schedule allowed for me to fly monthly from Houston to Los Angeles, for days of immersive counseling. Meanwhile, my driving job granted free time to write, research, and explore psychological methods of healing.


In a few short months, my kundalini activated and moved quickly through the body, accelerating my healing and growth. My perception incorporated the paranormal, psychic, and precognitive. I experienced profound insight, epiphanies, and expedited paradigm shifts. I would often awaken in the night with my body powerfully buzzing, flooding with bliss and expanded awareness. Benevolent higher-dimensional beings began teaching telepathically and assisting my deep meditations. I experienced astral travel, etheric travel and abduction, and repeated lucid dreams of rapturous ascension. I received and transmitted energy at a level I did not know possible.


My childhood friend, Ashley, joined alongside for her own awakening path. Together, we healed past traumas and communicated directly with spirit guides who awakened within us the remembrance of our purpose. We learned we are here to experience the greatest evolutionary leap in human consciousness, a complete shift into light body, and our being here catalyzes others.


For the spring equinox of 2010, Ashley and I embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage to Machu Picchu in Peru. In advance, guides made clear repeatedly I would shift into light body and ascend from the peak at this site. I was fully aware of how preposterous this idea sounded, even to myself of recent past. But I had to follow my heart's calling.


The day of our trek to the peak was most bizarre and left me in a daze. Upon return to Houston, I lived by miracle and synchronicity. I sold a backpack full of crystals through the Metaphysical Matrix shop and began reading Drunvalo Melchizedek's two volumes of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. I received uncanny direct paranormal contact while having an explosion of information and subtle energetic shifts through my body and consciousness. Three synchronicities aligned again for me to move to Sedona, Arizona, attend a multi-week meditation retreat in Los Angeles, and complete my first year at USM.


In the summer of 2010, my gracious friend Gina invited me to live in a studio apartment on her property in Los Angeles. I worked as a Sous Chef in the kitchen of Prana, the headquarters of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, affiliated with USM. Each day I ate clean organic food, did hatha yoga, read Ramana Maharshi, listened to John-Roger, and meditated for many hours. Following the sound current induced deep states of dissolving energetic attachments and delusions, and merging with a divine inner field of powerful electromagnetic energy.


By 2011, I moved to South Florida to live near an advaita vedanta guru who could help me navigate the arising nondual consciousness and samadhi states. Meditations became fiercely intense. Some days the energy activated my neighbor through the wall. In short time, Guru Swami G told me, "Get up on the cross and die already," and the freedom hit like the shutting of a book.


I moved to Galveston, Texas where Ashley and I rented a spacious apartment in an historic building. I was a Front Desk Agent at the San Luis Resort and she a Store Manager on Strand Street. We continued supporting one another in our spiritual journey. I discovered Dr. Georgi Stankov's Univeral Law website, which aided me in comprehending the light body process, in the context of world events and the collective ascension. Others like myself gathered there and shared their experiences, providing community and assurance of the culminating quantum shift to a higher-frequency reality. And I connected with Tim, who proved to be a crucial friend through the harrowing energetic challenges of the following years.


Synchronized with Georgi and others, I began focused etheric work during deep meditation and sleep state, driving the collective consciousness through rising thresholds. The vibratory discrepancy between my altered states and the waking state needed for daily living became extremely disruptive and difficult to endure.


During the spring eclipses of 2012, I hit a breaking point. I could not cope with the demands of daily living amidst an increasing precognition that the world infrastructure would dismantle, predicating an ascension of the first wave of individuals, who would be ready on the forecasted date of December 21, 2012.


Needing to focus once more on meditating many hours a day, I moved to live with my father. I exchanged frequent e-mails with Georgi and read his extensive writings. That year, Georgi and the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT, his shorthand for the humans that would transmogrify to light body ahead of the mass event) experienced several vibratory test runs.


During these rehearsals, while our bodies were in meditation, we elevated in frequency to the threshold of the quantum shift to light body and then descended back down to waking consciousness. Following these test runs, I had the most acute physical symptoms in all my journey. It felt like visiting the gates of Heaven, where every atom rings in awe and love, and falling back down to the density of the world of illusion, where in the contrast, only anguish remains. I had numerous ecstatic dreams, consciously bilocated, and was in frequent communion with higher-dimensional guides. Meanwhile, using Georgi's writings as a starting point, I delved into many rabbit holes of conspiracy history, completely reeducating myself as to the truth of our reality. I hoped and prayed for completion to this demanding soul-tempering, which left me untethered.


At the December Solstice of 2012, we had our highest and most clearly sustained vibratory test run to date. That the physical body did not entirely transform devastated me for months. I was fractured and empty, not understanding. I continued meditating but could no longer access the profound states, due mostly to a persistent heart arrhythmia that developed that year. 


Circumstance demanded I live independently again, so I returned to work, no matter how challenging and incongruous. In 2013, I was a Visual Merchandising Manager at Abercrombie & Fitch and promoted to Store Manager at abercrombie kids in 2014. Daily after work, I returned home and was pulled through an inner vortex that realigned me to a higher resonance. Over time, I learned to fluctuate between these polarized states, reduce empathic overload, and maintain equilibrium as a bridge in my energy field.


In 2015, I went to Vineyard Vines as an Operations Manager and was finally able to save money each month. But I lasted half a year before I hit another breaking point and quit. I counted my few months' savings and purchased a handgun that I planned to use for suicide if I did not physically ascend before the money ran out. After all my experiences on an incredible path, including being elevated to divine ecstasy on many occasions, I could not reckon with the feeling of existential abandonment, nor comprehend how I would survive without being captured by worldly demands. I felt completely lost, unable to reconcile, and my arrhythmia debilitated me into constant spatial disorientation and fight-or-flight.


Still, I did not end my life. I moved to live with my grandparents and uncle, unknowingly initiating another round of healing work. After 9 months of hermitage and giving up, Ashley connected me with work as job as a Foster Placement Consultant. By synchronicity, our lives aligned once more, and we rented studio apartments near one another in Houston in 2016.


Having independence and my friend near me once more came as a relief. I found the task of interviewing and counseling to be more in alignment than past jobs. I worked autonomously and had abundant time to pursue my spiritual education (much of it through Gaia TV and the Cosmic Disclosure series). And I finally got the arrhythmia under control with a simple medication. Between 2015 and 2016, I had two dating relationships but was limited in what I would share, so neither lasted more than a few months.


In 2017, I met Tyler, my partner to this day. I disclosed my history openly and he surprised me with unconditional love. Following Hurricane Harvey in Houston, we moved in together. For the first time in my adult life, I experienced safety, balance, and a coherent reframing of my experiences in the timeline of humanity's ascension.


With gratitude for stability, I continued my consulting work for three and a half years. Tyler and I traveled often, thanks to his being a Flight Attendant for United Airlines. We progressed together through diet, a regular yoga practice, and reading Dolores Cannon's books. I still had significant energy experiences in dream state, but not as often, and none of the ecstatic test runs. Through online groups, mainly Shane Robinson's Unbiased and On The Fence (UOTF), I found community again and gained new friends, especially my spiritual comrade Michelle. She traveled with Tyler and me to Sedona for a conscious gathering with Sandra Walter, and again to ECETI Ranch in Washington where James Gilliland hosted a group from UOTF. Also in 2019, I began facilitating Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions, in an effort to merge my spiritual offerings with a definable service.


At the end of 2019, Tyler and I chose to live in Northern Colorado. I spent the winter months hiking the snowy mountains in solitude. To unwind from the years of trauma to the central nervous system took time. I experimented skipping the arrhythmia medication but my heart was not yet strong enough. I had a few strong energy experiences through dreams, the most profound being an etheric abduction interfacing with Sirian beings of enormous love. It reawakened the memory in my cells of the salvation promised by test runs in 2012.


In the spring of 2020, a heavy energy of fear and separation gripped the collective, and Colorado began restrictions on life that diverted my effort to find regular employment. Altogether, I spent half a year awaiting a cascade of revelations for the collective, sure of the PAT's ascension soon thereafter.


Mid-year, we moved again to Fort Collins, Colorado, and I began delivering groceries and supplies through Shipt. Like consulting, delivery allowed me autonomy to create my own structure as an independent contractor. To my surprise, I was able to save money again and enjoy hiking often. For 2 years, Tyler and I patiently endured the lies and absurdity propagated through the collective, witnessed waves of slow awakening in the masses, and coached friends and family along their way. Much weighed heavy, and I worried about remaining for the collective's dark night of the soul.


Michelle, who by her own path had also experienced the ecstatic foretelling of her ascension and progressed in the inner work of transformation, was an enlightened coach and invaluable friend during this time. Tim and I also continued consulting one another, as each other's main lifeline since the PAT's first connecting 10 years prior.


In 2022, Tyler and I moved again to Houston to be nearer loved ones. Now, each day appears nearer to exit, in leaps and bounds. I am trusting the sense of "sit" and ready to "stand". I know not a one of us has this ascension forecast pegged, but collectively we feel profound imminence once more, and now with the greatest wave of the collective consciousness backing us.


I still believe a group of light emissaries will ascend first, simultaneous with the hand of God ordaining it so, ahead of many of the prophesied collective awakening events. Our ascension will disrupt all timelines as the coup de grace and humanity will have opportunity to ascend en masse afterwards. All I can do now is chop wood and carry water, as is revealed in the flow of presence, which is Now. I abide in Light, Love, Peace, and Joy. I am that I am.



May All Beings Be Free


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